Mental symptoms associated with hearing loss

24 Jul 2024

Hearing loss affects millions of people worldwide. It is often seen as a physical discomfort but can also cause mental damage.

 What is hearing loss?

Hearing loss is the reduced ability to hear and understand sounds. It can range from mild to severe and can occur gradually or suddenly. Causes vary, including exposure to loud sounds, aging, infections, genetic factors and certain genetic conditions.

Mental and emotional consequences of hearing loss

Hearing loss can cause people to avoid social situations more often because they cannot follow conversations well.  They fall into the background more often, which can cause feelings of isolation and loneliness. There is also a strong link between hearing loss and depression.

Research by Specsavers, conducted by Motivaction in the Netherlands, shows that 1.5 million Dutch people have moderate to severe hearing loss. Of these, 1 in 3 experiences a fade-out: mental problems in which they become increasingly socially marginalized. The constant effort to hear and understand can be mentally exhausting. As a result, many people feel insecure, ashamed or experience depression.  

Shame and insecurity due to hearing loss

Nearly 40 percent of people with hearing loss have been neglecting their condition for 5 years or more. 44 percent have never even consulted their doctor or a hearing specialist about their hearing problems. Shame and insecurity play a major role in this behaviour, whilst using a hearing aid can help improve their mental health.

Preventing hearing loss

A hearing aid can be a solution when the hearing loss is a fact. However, it is better to take measures to prevent hearing damage to begin with. So, what can you do?

- Protect yourself from loud noises: Use hearing protection such as earplugs or earmuffs in noisy environments.

- Test your hearing regularly: Early detection can help manage hearing loss and ensure you get the right support quickly.

- Medical treatment: Treat underlying causes such as infections and check chronic conditions. Your hearing deserves the best care!

- Explore enhancements: Hearing aids and implants can significantly improve your hearing and enhance your quality of life.