The festival survival guide

9 Jul 2024

Whether you are a seasoned festivalgoer or if this is your first time attending such a music spectacle, being well prepared is essential for a having a great time. Here's a list of crucial items and tips to ensure your festival experience will be unforgettable.


1. Be prepared for the weather

Extra tarpaulin

Is it a multiple day’s festival and will you be camping at the festival site? The weather can be treacherous and turn quickly. Carry some extra tarpaulins to keep your tent dry in case of rain. Also handy as a shade cloth in bright sunshine!

Sunscreen and sunglasses

There is nothing better than good weather during the festival! Sunscreen and sunglasses are both indispensable on sun-drenched days.


Even with a nice weather forecast, unexpected showers can surprise you. Bring your rain gear and stay nice and dry.

Mini fan

On hot days, a mini fan can provide some cooling. It is a small but effective remedy against the heat.


2. Do not forget…

Hip bag

A hip or waist bag is super handy for essentials like your phone, wallet and sunscreen. You have your hands free, while carrying your stuff safely with you.

Phone charger and power bank

Your phone is vital for keeping in touch with friends and taking photos and you don’t want to be left with an empty battery! Therefore, don't forget to bring your charger and a fully charged power bank.

Personal hygiene

Hygiene is not usually a top priority at a festival, but a few extra items will make you look a lot fresher. Dry shampoo, hand gel (in case you run out of hand soap at the toilets) and baby wipes are handy for a quick freshen-up. 

Hearing protection

Protect your ears to safely enjoy the music at the festival. So don't forget your earplugs!  If you want the best music quality, choose earplugs with a special music filter.


3. Sleep comfortably

Go for a sleeping mat!

A good sleeping bag and a nice mat are key for a good night's sleep while camping. An air mattress is also possible, but it is heavier and takes up more space.

Earplugs and eye mask

Earplugs are a must, not only on the festival site, but also at the campsite.

Earplugs are a must, not only on the festival site, but also at the campsite. Pluggerz offers special Sleep earplugs to help you sleep well in a noisy environment. An eye mask will help you sleep longer in the morning despite the early daylight.



Above all, don't forget to enjoy yourself! Before you know it, it will be over and all you're left with are memories and some blurry photos.